Best Quail Egg Incubator in 2023

The eggs must be kept warm and humid so they can develop and hatch if you want to breed chickens, ducks, or quail. To do this, you will need to buy an incubator. It can be difficult to sort through all the brands available to discover something that would work for your circumstance because many of them resemble toys and there are dozens of different brands.

To help you understand how they vary, we’ve selected 7 different models. These quail egg incubator reviews will help you to select the one you needed. We’ll discuss our experience utilizing them as well as any unique qualities they may have.

In order to help you shop smartly, we’ve also included a brief buyer’s guide where we explain how these gadgets operate. To assist you in making an informed decision, keep reading as we discuss capacity, durability, stability, its ability to generate a proper climate, and more.

Best Quail Egg Incubator

7 Best Quail Egg Incubator 2022

The best quail incubator on the market can be difficult to discover, especially when durability, reliability, and convenience of use are taken into account. When given a lot of choices, you can even be uncertain about which ones to purchase.

To assist you get the finest incubation and hatching results, we have chosen and reviewed the top quail egg incubators. Take a look!



KEBONNIXS 12 Egg Incubator


The best tiny egg incubator for all types of poultry eggs, particularly quail and chicken eggs, continues to be the KEBONNIXS 12 Egg Incubator. It is user-friendly for beginners and practically all activities, including temperature control and egg turning, are automated. Due to its robustness, usability, and dependability, it makes a great quail egg incubator for use in homes, laboratories, and classrooms.

The temperature and humidity are automatically controlled by this incubator, which updates every three seconds. A humidity level display and external liquid top-up point make controlling humidity simple.

contains a built-in timer so you can monitor the hatching process, an automatic egg turner with an auto-stop function before hatching day, and more. You can clearly see your chick’s progress thanks to the integrated LED egg candler.

Despite not being designed with quail eggs in mind, many individuals have used this incubator to successfully hatch quail eggs. I advise you to read about their experiences before making a purchase because you might need to acquire a different quail egg turner or turn the eggs by hand in addition to providing extra floor material to prevent your little chicks from getting stuck.



  • dependable, long-lasting, simple to use, and clean
  • includes an egg candler
  • external water refueling
  • Automatic egg-turning halt


  • a little more expensive, but it is still worthwhile



Hethya Egg Incubators for Hatching Eggs


This is a fantastic method for allowing geese eggs to hatch. Every 90 minutes, the automatic egg-turning feature will turn eggs. Depending on the amount of the eggs you need to hatch, you can alter the rollers’ distance from one another. For chickens, geese, and other animals, there are 5 automatic modes.

It produces the best results while removing the element of guesswork from the incubation environment. A backup alternative exists for power loss situations. While plugging the incubator into the wall, acquire a 12V battery and attach it to the device. It will immediately switch to battery power if the wall outlet’s power source is compromised. This guarantees that even in less-than-ideal circumstances, a constant temperature and humidity are maintained.

With the overflow, any unnecessary water additions won’t damage the moisture, thanks to the configuration. The temperature will be kept at the proper level because the liquid can be refilled while the lid is closed. Goose eggs should hatch no later than thirty two days after being laid, with the possibility of early emergence at 29 days. They are able to use it for few weeks as a wider because it is big enough.



  • Every 90 minutes, an automatic egg-turning function will be used.
  • for geese, hens, and other animals, five automatic modes
  • adequate size to serve as a wider surface
  • Easy to use


  • A bit fragile


Brinsea Products USAG47C Ovation 56 EX Incubator

Brinsea’s outstanding chick breeders are well-known around the world. One of the greatest egg incubators for quails that novices may use is the USAG47C Ovation 56 EX.

Performance as a whole is steady. This incubator is entirely computerized and has a system called “Induced Dual Airflow.”

It is also one of the greatest temperature-controlling devices available because it supports automated humidity and temperature management.

High-quality, long-lasting, and cleanable ABS plastic is used in the construction of this incubator. It has a unique external opening and cover for adding water that helps keep the environment humid.

It contains a turning mechanism that can be programmed, allowing you to decide when the eggs should be rotated. Additionally, it incorporates fan-assisted circulation to provide even heat distribution inside the incubator.



  • takes care of bacteria
  • includes a built-in automatic egg twister
  • digital only, Digital Display
  • management of temperature and humidity automatically, as well as an alarm
  • Make use of Dual Airflow technology


  • It’s difficult to clean between the upper layers



Manna Pro Harris Farms Nurture Right Incubator

Observing all the egg components as they rotate is useful when hatching eggs. It is ideal for observation because of the clear top. It’s a great choice for beginners or for instructional purposes. Additionally, this incubator includes induced air control, which aids in preserving temperature and airflow.

Because the chick needs oxygen, which enters through the shell of the egg, appropriate air circulation is essential. Underneath each side of the foundation, this model incorporates an air vent. The incubator also incorporates automatic turning with automatic stop, which stops the eggs from turning 3 days before to hatching. For hens, ducks, and pheasants, this is perfect.

The capacity ranges from 22 chicken eggs to 12 to 18 duck eggs or 22 to 24 pheasant eggs. It is effective for chicken eggs but unfortunately not for turkey, according to reviews. You may add water to keep the humidity up using the external pot that it provides.

Since you won’t have to remove the incubator’s lid while adding more water from the outside, the temperature will be maintained. In order to add water to most incubators, you would need to lift them if you reside in a dry climate. By doing this, the warmth would escape and your chance of a successful hatch would be reduced.



  • Fits 44-45 quail eggs
  • High-quality construction
  • Excellent visibility
  • Durable


  • Large holes at the bottom pose a threat to the safety of quail chicks


AQAWAS Egg Incubator with Humidity Control


For hens, ducks, and quail, we recommend the AQAWAS Egg Incubator with Humidity Control. It has a sizable capacity and can accommodate up to 190 eggs. To survive for many years without showing any signs of wear, it is made of incredibly robust ABS and Polypropylene plastic.

For the greatest outcomes, it delivers the ideal humidity, temperature, and air circulation without significantly raising the ambient noise level. It is simple to monitor the incubator’s performance and make modifications thanks to a sizable LCD digital panel.

You’ll enjoy utilizing AQAWAS. It is appropriate for any other sort of egg and is able to hatch chicks in large numbers. The only issue we had with it was the price, which may be too much for many people to afford.



  • enormous capacity
  • sturdy materials
  • low volume
  • Easy to use


  • Expensive



Farm Innovators 4250 Heated Air Incubator


Are you looking for an incubator for quail eggs that can hold up to 48 eggs? For this, the finest tool is the Farm Innovators 4250 Egg Incubator. Both commercial quail egg incubator farmers and backyard hobbyists can benefit from it.

The Farm Innovators 4250 Egg Incubator has an LCD that displays data including temperature, humidity, and days before hatching. It serves as a forced-air incubator for eggs and has a fan to spread heat and air. Automatic temperature control and a blinking warning light indicate if the heat is on high or low.

To enable users to see or monitor what is happening within the incubator, the lid of the incubator incorporates a sizable viewing window. Additionally, this incubator has an auto egg turner. As a result, you are spared the time-consuming chore of turning the quail eggs yourself. The Farm Innovators 4250 Egg Incubator is indeed a great tool for achieving exceptional hatch success rates overall.



  • 48 quail eggs can hatch
  • The cost is reasonable.
  • Countdown to hatch display
  • Clean and simple to use


  • No alarm


Brinsea Products Mini II Advance Automatic 7 Egg Incubator


First off, it wasn’t designed primarily for hatching tiny eggs. It was only included in this list due to its enticing additional features.

For quail egg hatching, Brinsea creates a separate tray. This may be a fantastic option if you enjoy hatching small batches of chicken, duck, or quail eggs.

However, the hatching tray for little quail eggs is an additional expense. While the majority of quail incubators lack some additional features, Brinsea Products Mini II does. One of the finest quail egg incubators available for successful hatching is automated and completely programmable. It is one of the best quail egg incubator amazon.



  • Since it is made of ABS plastics, it is completely healthy-safe
  • 100% digital controllers
  • enables a clear view of the hatching process
  • Automatic programming egg rolling
  • calculating the days since the last hatch


  • You’ll need to purchase an additional hatch tray



Guide for Buyers: How to Pick the Best Egg Incubator


Knowing what separates quality from meritocracy is of utmost importance when it comes to a product that literally controls the viability of your hatching operation.

If you’re searching for a top-notch quail incubator, it’s a good idea to take the following factors into account.




The idea behind using an incubator is to ensure that the eggs within will remain reasonably warm without experiencing any unforeseen changes or interruptions in operation.

Because of this, high-quality incubators must be reliable. A batch of fertilized eggs can drastically lose viability after even a brief time of malfunction. Inconsistent incubators are therefore not a viable alternative.

A high-quality incubator shouldn’t ever cause its owner to have any doubts about its effectiveness.

An person should be able to insert their eggs inside the incubator, adjust all controls as requested, and depart with complete confidence when everything is working as planned. Anything less than this degree of dependability will make incubation difficult.




Like with any kind of goods, the return on investment is always better when a single purchase may generate more value. With regard to incubators, the same rule applies.

Generally speaking, flocks of poultry owners seem to be at least somewhat diverse. The ability to handle the work of incubating eggs of different sizes is why it is of great advantage to get those incubators.

Every time you add a new bird to your flock, you must buy a new incubator, which is quite inefficient. It is extremely typical to be able to incubate duck, chicken, goose, quail, and turkey eggs in a separate unit with only slight alterations by obtaining a highly adaptable incubator, nevertheless.


Capabilities for Turning


In a natural setting, all types of poultry and fawn instinctively turn their eggs inside of their nests. This is how nature makes sure that heat is distributed evenly and that hatching rates are maximized.

However, this procedure is not facilitated in a regulated artificial environment, such as that found in an incubator, unless man offers this capability.

It used to be necessary for someone to manually turn each egg in an incubator several times per day, which was both inconvenient and time-consuming.

This task is mechanically completed by high-quality incubators today without human involvement. The very best incubators carry out this task at predetermined or even programmable periods.


Air Flow


Mother Nature frequently has the best ideas, just as with egg rotation. Eggs are thoroughly warmed in a nature-based atmosphere, complete with adequate airflow.

This similar level of organically induced airflow is not available to a clutch of eggs when they are placed in an incubator, unless special ventilation is given. This is the exact point at when the quality competitors may be distinguished from the less desirable market offerings by the existence of an internal fan.

Even though they are inexpensive and simple to find, dead air incubators are not often renowned for having excellent hatching success rates.

These units frequently have temperature differences of five degrees or more between each egg, which results in the loss of a large number of potentially fertile eggs. This makes the small additional cost to obtain a fan-driven model a worthwhile investment.




Any flock owner would be prudent to never undervalue the importance of an incubator that is the right size. It is not only inefficient, but also a little frustrating, to be restricted in the number of eggs you may incubate at any given moment.

There is little reason to be limited in how many eggs you may incubate at once, especially because there are several incubators available today with different capacity, and there are only slight price changes from one side of the spectrum to the other.

Even if your current incubation goals are limited to a dozen or less eggs at a time, there is no way to predict when you could become interested in the idea of increasing your hatching goals.

Nobody wants to be pressured into making a second purchase that wouldn’t have been required if capacity had been taken into account when making the first buy, if this comes to pass.




How many quail eggs fit in an incubator?

Ans: Typically 50 or less chicken eggs, ranging from 1 to 130 eggs depending on the model and bird kind.


Will a chicken egg incubator work for quail eggs?

Ans: Quail eggs can also be incubated in egg incubators, which are generally used for chicken and duck eggs.


What temperature do you incubate quail eggs at?

Ans: As soon as you have assembled all of your materials and eggs, place the eggs in your incubator. The incubator’s consistent temperatures ought to be between 99.5% and 100.5% F, with a humidity level somewhere between 35% and 40%.


How long to incubate quail eggs

Ans: An egg from a quail takes 18 days to incubate. With a forced draft incubator set to 36.9–37.2 °C and a relative humidity of 60–70 %, quail eggs can be artificially incubated. Until day 14 of incubation, eggs need to be flipped four to six times per day.



Final Verdict

It might be challenging to successfully incubate quail eggs because of the strict requirements for temperature, humidity, and aeration. A high percentage of successful hatches and a stress-free incubation are both possible with the correct tool. We examined some of the top products available. Whatever you decide, be sure to follow the guidelines and the advice in this article to guarantee a successful incubation.

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