A dual-purpose chicken breed is a kind of chicken that lays great quantities of eggs as well as being sufficiently big to be served as table meat. Such breeds are often reared as flock birds at homes for potential food.
If you’re interested in getting chickens, whether it is just for obtaining eggs or preparing chicken meals, you should consider getting a dual-purpose breed. With these, you won’t have to go to the store for eggs or meat ever again.
Here, we are going to describe the best chickens for meat and eggs to help you choose the best breed for your case.
What Are Dual Purpose Chicken Breeds?
Dual-purpose chicken breeds are described as certain species of chickens, which are exceptional egg layers, having overall solid structures. This means they have a considerable quantity of protein, which makes them perfect for preparing meals.
Why Should You Choose Dual Purpose Chicken Breeds?
Primarily, the explanation for selecting a dual-purpose chicken breed is simple. Having a breed like this helps you to rear them during their most active egg-laying periods and then have their meat as the egg-producing period starts to decline.
Basically, you get all the eggs from them in their most active egg-laying times, and when they age, you have the chicken as your meal.
If you can successfully raise chickens in your backyard, you can stand to gain from the system and experience several perks. You can choose to rear your chickens as healthier poultry, which ensures they would be happy animals and healthier meat for you.
But most importantly, you won’t have to go to the store for eggs or meat anymore.
Now, if you’re if taking the trouble of rearing the chicken is worth it, well, it is. This way, you know that the eggs and chicken that you eat are all healthy and nutritious, and you get to save money at the same time.
So, if you have space and time to rear such birds, you should do it. But first, you have to learn some important factors about the different breeds of dual-purpose chickens.
The Best Chickens for Meat And Eggs
In order to get the best out of your money, you should go for these breeds that not only provide you with plenty of eggs but can also be eaten later. Below, you will find all the top dual-purpose chicken breeds available.
1. Light Sussex Cockerel
Average weight of a female Sussex 7 pounds
Average weight of a male Sussex 9 pounds
Number of eggs laid in a year 250
Light Sussex chickens are great dual-purpose breeds.
Generally, these breeds appear white in color and have black tails and feathers across their heads. However, there are other variations of these breeds.
Sussex hens, weighing about seven pounds, are known for being exceptional meat birds. But they’re much better egg-laying birds. In fact, they are well recognized to be great mothers who can raise a lot of chicks at a time.
Annually, these chickens lay about 250 midsized eggs, and the color of the eggs ranges from brown to off-white.
Average weight of a female Wyandotte 6 to 7 pounds
Average weight of a male Wyandotte 8 to 9 pounds
Number of eggs laid in a year 240
2. Wyandottes
Wyandottes are magnificent chickens that appear in a broad spectrum of rather interesting shades, like blue and black, with hints of gold and silver.
Like the last breed listed above, these are intended to be raised as dual-purpose chickens. This chicken breed has a large scale, varying from 6 pounds to 9 pounds. Owing to their perfect size and exceptional flavor, they are regarded as some of the finest dual-purpose chickens.
3. Plymouth Rocks
Average weight of a female Plymouth Rock 7.5 pounds
Average weight of a male Plymouth Rock 8 pounds
Number of eggs laid in a year 260
For backyard flocks, the Plymouth Rock is a common chicken breed. These birds, coming in all sorts of colors, are incredibly stunning.
With this breed, you’re going to find the perfect balance between meat and eggs. Each of these chickens lays approximately 260 eggs a year. These eggs are large in size and have a slightly brownish pink color.
Not only do they have superb egg-laying abilities, but they also have the ideal size. Weighing between 7 and 8 pounds, these Plymouth Rocks have excellent meat and tasty flavors.
If you don’t have a preference between meat and eggs, this is a decent place to start.
4. Orpingtons
Average weight of a female Orpington 8 pounds
Average weight of a male Orpington 10 pounds
Number of eggs laid in a year 200
Much like the Wyandotte breed, Orpingtons can be found in a spectrum of colors, including black, blue, and white.
As far as meat is concerned, this is the most rewarding choice on the list. With a weight of around 8 pounds in general, these chickens sometimes often reach 10 pounds. These are perhaps the largest among all chicken breeds.
Even though they don’t lay as many eggs as those described above, they do produce around 200 eggs in a year. And they are usually medium to large in scale. They reach a broody stage during summertime; that’s why they lay fewer eggs than the rest.
Although they are decent egg layers, they are more often used as broiler chickens for their wonderful flavor and tender meat.
5. White Leghorns
Average weight of a female White Leghorn 4 to 5 pounds
Average weight of a male White Leghorn 5 to 6 pounds
Number of eggs laid in a year 280
White Leghorn, a variety of Brown Leghorn chicken, is another dual-purpose bird. They are decent foragers and hardly ever broody, and that makes them very convenient to raise.
So far, we have only discussed large chickens with a good amount of meat. But this one is different. It doesn’t weigh much, nor does it have much to offer when it comes to meat. It has little but tasty meat.
However, it is the best in terms of laying eggs. White Leghorns lay abundant eggs, roughly 280 eggs every year, which is more than most.
Basically, this is the perfect breed for those who prefer to have more eggs over meat.
6. Rhode Island Reds
Average weight of a female Rhode Island Reds 6.5 pounds
Average weight of a male Rhode Island Reds 8.5 pounds
Number of eggs laid in a year 260
After the White Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds are presumably the best layers.
Although these chickens are relatively smaller than some others in this category, they are actually still a large breed. And they do provide a decent amount of healthy meat.
If you like eggs, you will love the next part. Due to their exemplary egg-laying capabilities, these chickens are going to lay about 260 eggs in just one year.
Moreover, the feed-to-production percentage for these chickens is even higher as they are strong predators. So, you get more eggs than the amount of food you’ve got to feed them, which makes this an excellent dual-purpose breed.
7. Black Australorps
Average weight of a female Black Australorp 5 to 7 pounds
Average weight of a Black male Australorp 7 to 9 pounds
Number of eggs laid in a year 250
From Australia, Black Australorp is a chicken species that was created as an egg-laying utility breed. As they are amiable and calm, they make the perfect breed for beginners. They don’t require any sort of extra treatment or upkeep, and they’re easy to work with when they adapt to be treated really easily.
You should assume a Black Australorp will lay 250 eggs each year. But they’ve also got a record of laying more than 300 eggs.
So, this is one of those breeds that are best for egg production. But that doesn’t mean they’re not going to make fantastic food. They weigh pretty good for chickens, and they have a lot of meat to offer. The texture and taste of these chickens are also something worth trying.
8. Chantecler
Average weight of a female Chantecler 7 pounds
Average weight of a male Chantecler 9 pounds
Number of eggs laid in a year 200
Next, there’s Chanteclers, a spectacular chicken that emerges in white and partridge. Such birds flourish in colder regions. So, if you’re living in a cold area, this is the way to go.
They are strong layers of eggs. A healthy Chantecler is expected to lay about 200 eggs yearly. Even though they don’t produce a lot of eggs like the others on this list, their eggs are some of the largest.
Chanteclers are usually very domesticated and develop exceptionally fast. Since they produce eggs quickly and develop fast, they can be slaughtered earlier than most.
Most importantly, they are very calm and gentle. So, they make perfect domestic chickens for beginners.
9. Delaware Chickens
Average weight of a female Cochins 6.5 pounds
Average weight of a male Cochins 8.5 pounds
Number of eggs laid in a year 200 to 280
A compilation of dual-purpose breeds will not be comprehensive without including Delaware Chickens. This chicken breed emerged in the USA.
At present, Delaware Chickens are known as an endangered breed. They are a lot like the Light Sussex breed in terms of appearance, except they don’t have many black feathers.
On average, the hens weigh about 6.5 pounds, and the cocks weigh about 2 pounds more. Although they are not a very large breed, they are some decent-sized chicken with sufficient nutritious meat.
As for egg production, they lay a lot of eggs, ranging from 200 to 280 in one year. And the eggs are large in size and brown in color and taste delicious.
10. Buckeyes
Average weight of a female Buckeye 6.5 pounds
Average weight of a male Buckeye 9 pounds
Number of eggs laid in a year 200
Here’s another chicken species with absolute cold weather tolerance.
These chickens strive in cold climates. Since they prefer cold weather, they make the perfect domestic chickens for residing in the northern part of the States.
Generally, Buckeyes are highly responsive birds, which are mostly disease tolerant and somewhat unthreatening. But sometimes, the males will appear to show disdain for small animals like cats.
These chickens are a lot like Chanticleers. For instance, they generate the same amount of eggs in a year and have the same size of meat to offer. All in all, this is another great chicken with double purposes.
11. Ixworth Chickens
Average weight of a female Ixworth 6 to 7 pounds
Average weight of a male Ixworth 7.9 to 9 pounds
Number of eggs laid in a year 270
Now, we have a British species, which is regarded as unique.
They are graceful, pure white birds that perform exceptionally well in open spaces. These chickens like to wander around freely and forage for food on their own.
Also, they are prolific egg layers. Each year, they lay around 270 eggs, which are medium-sized and tinted. Besides, they also make excellent table birds with their average weight of seven pounds.
Whether you prefer the number of eggs produced or the quality and consistency of meat extracted, this breed is the perfect combination of both.
12. Cochins
Average weight of a female Cochins 4 pounds
Average weight of a male Cochins 5 pounds
Number of eggs laid in a year 160
Cochin is a household chicken species originating from massive feathered chickens imported from China in the 1840s.
Although primarily used as ornaments, they have gained popularity as flock breeds. Due to their meat and egg production, they are considered to be dual-purpose chickens.
These are good layers of very large tinted eggs and lay well in winter. They lay about 160 large brown eggs every year. Although they were primarily used as ornaments, they soon gained prominence as flock breeds. Due to their production of meat and eggs, these chickens are perceived to be dual-purpose.
Besides, they are easy to handle, even in cold areas. Due to their extensive feathers, they can comfortably endure cold temperatures and extreme winters.
Final Words
There are different chicken breeds for everyone’s needs. If you prefer to have the most quantity of eggs in a year, go for the White Leghorns. And, if you want the most substantial amount of meat, go for the Orrington.
But if you have different needs, you should be able to make your decision based on the information provided for the best chickens for meat and eggs above.