The cochin chicken, is a large-sized domestic bird which one of its most distinctive features are the feather-covered legs. In the following article we will know more about it and what its various variations are.
The Cochin Chicken
The cochin chicken is a breed of domestic chicken of large size. It is derived from large feather-leg chickens brought from China to Europe and North America in the 1840s and 1850s. It is raised primarily for display. It was previously known as Cochin – China.
Like the Brahma Chicken , the cochin chicken is derived from very large feather chickens brought from the regions of China to Europe and North America in the 1840s and 1850s. These were initially known as birds “Shanghai”, and later as “Cochin – Chinese”. The large size and striking appearance of these birds contributed to a sudden large increase in interest in poultry farming in Western countries, sometimes described as “chicken fever.”
The cochin chicken was included in the first edition of the Standard of Excellence in Bird Exhibition, prepared by William Bernhardt Tegetmeier for the first Bird Club of Great Britain in 1865. The colors described are:
Suede Leather
Caper collie
Silver buff
Silver Cinnamon
The cochin chicken, both in full size and by its rooster, was included in the first edition of the Standard of Excellence of the American Poultry Association in 1874. The original colors were white, partridge, beige and black; other colors were added later.
The most distinctive feature of the cochin chicken is the excessive plumage that covers the legs and feet. The skin under the feathers is yellow.
In the United Kingdom, the recognized color varieties, only for large birds, are black, blue, polished, cuckoo, partridge and grouse, and white; Chicken Cochin china bantams are not recognized by the Poultry Club of Great Britain. The Entente Euro penne lists the same nine colors for full-sized Cochin china, and twenty-four for the rooster; Any of the varieties of rooster can be frizzled, with the feathers curving outward. (see article: Polish hen ).
The American Poultry Association recognizes nine colors for full-size birds:
Discover all about the cochin chicken and its details
They are the same colors are recognized by the rooster, with the addition of 4 more: birchen, Columbian, mottled and red. cochin chicken are fairly calm chickens, and tend to be quite calm as well.
The cochin chicken has been raised mainly for display, at the expense of the productive characteristics. It is a good layer of very large dyed eggs, and it gets well in winter. Chickens are good nannies and good mothers, and can be used to incubate turkey and duck eggs. The meat tends to be thick and excessively dark in texture; Capones slaughtered at an age of 12 – 16 months provide a good large table bird.
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In spite of this, due to the rounded appearance of this breed they have health conditions. Birds of this breed tend to have metabolism and heart problems, which are aggravated due to their lifestyle, which is usually lazy. They love to walk on short grass and avoid venturing into higher vegetation since this can damage the feathers of their feet. Surprisingly they take up very little space and adapt to living in delimited areas. Avoid putting them in the cold or in a humid area.
Discover all About the Cochin Chicken and its Details
With its abundant plumage, in legs and legs, it is best to have them in a controlled area on the wettest days to avoid problems and that the mud does not accumulate under your feet. These chickens do not fly, and it is enough to place a 2 meters long enough to contain them. Females are prone to cloaca and good mothers par excellence due to their calm nature. They lay quite large eggs but do not produce many during the year. The chicks are strong when they hatch, it takes them 22 days instead of the usual 21.
They are very friendly and peaceful birds, so they tend to be submissive at the time of breeding with other generally more aggressive breeds. They require food of a good quality and reach maturity at two years. They are very good pets, they live approximately 8 to 10 years.
From this breed of chicken, cochin chicken, you can find a great variety in terms of color, among the colors that can be found are: in black, blue, beige, cuckoo, partridge, gray and white. Its legs are characterized by being yellow, red ears and reddish eyes.