How to Ventilate a Chicken Coop: Right Airflow and Ventilation

Chickens love fresh air to breathe, so coop ventilation is essential all year round. The ammonia can escape quickly, and moisture build-up slows down night and day. In summer, the coop temperature needs to be relaxed because chickens cannot decrease their body heat, and in winter, the shelter should be free from frostbite. An adequately ventilated coop provides all those essential needs.

The ventilation also allows fresh air to flow out heat, carbon dioxide, and other toxic gas and smell. Making the coop vents are an easy task. Here you will find the best way to do it in your coop.How to Ventilate a Chicken Coop

How to Put Ventilation in a Chicken Coop

Here are some steps to maintain a good chicken coop airflow.

Make a Good Pop Hole

A pop hole can be only a ventilation system in a small coop. It increases airflow to the coop so try to make a larger poop door, especially in a hot climate. To protect your birds, you can easily cover the pop door with sheets or curtains in cold weather.

Make Multiple Windows

Whether your chicken coop is small or big, install multiple windows to cross – ventilation and better airflow. Cover those windows with a hardware cloth screen so the sunlight can come. Cross ventilation is an excellent way for humid summer, and one window cannot do it. It also wicks away moisture and smell. Small shed windows are also best for warm weather ventilation, and sunlight windows are best for winter. Install it to the roof and keep it open.

Add a Screen Door

Screen doors work the same as windows. Lots of sunlight can enter through the coop doors and healthy the coop environment. You also have to make multiple screen doors for proper ventilation and do not forget to cover them with hardware cloth. Also, add a magnetic screen door to keep the flies out from the coop.

Ventilation Holes

One of the easiest ways to add ventilation is to drill holes near the north and south walls ceiling. Cover the holes with hardware mesh to prevent diseases. The holes will always move the inside coop air and clean dust.

Wind Turbine Ventilation

The roof ventilation system is an integral part of coop ventilation in hot summer months. You can install and maintain it easily. Install an air vent aluminum turbine to trap the ammonia and moisture and keep the heat away from the coop.

Screen Sides

Removable screen sides are another cross-ventilation option to the coop. It is very beneficial in hot weather that allows maximum fresh air. You can adjust it according to the season. Just screw it tight from the outside to keep the predators away.


Installing an exhaust fan or solar coop fan is another beneficial mechanical ventilation system to the coop. You can install it near the ceiling or wall to move the air from the coop. The ceiling should be high enough to keep the chickens away from it. Wall-mounted fans and windows are other excellent sources of fresh air. It removes the dirt from the coop and cools the coops quickly, helping the water vaporize by increasing air flow.

Floor Resister

The floor resister is a sound ventilation system in roost level. These vents are thin and can make the coop cool throughout the day and night. Install a magnetic cover to prevent drafts and close it in the winter.

Chicken coop airflow

Make a House Cupola

Make a house cupola on the coop roof to keep the humid air away from inside. It also increases airflow inside the coop and keeps the chicken breeds healthy and fresh even in the winter months.

How Much Ventilation Does a Chicken Coop Needs

The quantity and types of ventilation system depend on the coop size. Every 10 square feet of space requires 1 square foot of ventilation. The vents should be made high enough to keep them open most of the time. If you have more flocks in a small area, make more ventilation.

The ventilation should be well protected to keep the predators away. Please make at least a dozen 1-inch holes in the roof and space them one or two inches apart. Also, insulate the nest boxes for heat loss. Additional ventilation is vital for hot weather.

Chicken Coop Ventilation Vs. Draft

Draft means cracks or openings on the floor, and ventilation means opening higher to flow the air. Ventilation is essential to remove the ammonia fumes from the coop to keep the chickens healthy. Ammonia is lighter than air, so it can easily escape through the up ventilation.

Drafts are built on the floor, and chickens live close to it. It cannot help to escape ammonia, and small predators can quickly come through it. The cold draft also makes the entire flock sick. Also, use organic bedding to reduce excess moisture and stabilize the temperature.

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