Guinea Hen: All About Hens Weight, EGG, Meat and Recipes

Guinea Hen

Guinea hens are beautiful African native birds most people have embarked on adding in their backyards. The guinea hens have always lived a wild and independent life. They spend most of their time foraging around, looking for food. Most of them feed on insects, ticks, and weeds. They will walk around in groups and feed … Read more

How to Make an Egg Incubator – A Detail Guide

How to Make an Egg Incubator

It doesn’t matter whether you own a chicken farm or simply want to have a steady income of fresh eggs, having an incubator goes a long way, especially during the colder seasons. More and more people are catching onto the trend of building their own incubators rather than buying consumer-grade models simply because they are … Read more

The Polish Chicken – A Very Popular Bird In The World

Polish Chicken

In the following article we will talk about a very particular breed of hens, it is the Polish Chicken, this is a bird known for its exotic characteristics, which give it a very special touch, then we will know more details of this unique species. The Polish Chicken The Polish Chicken, belongs to a European … Read more

Egg Float Test – Every Thing You Need to Know!

Egg Float Test

Eggs usually last a lot longer than people realize. An unrefrigerated egg is usually able to last for at most two weeks whereas to preserve them longer you can always refrigerate them which makes them last for a lot more than two months. But whenever you’re in doubt that your eggs might be rotten and … Read more

Chicken Sour Crop

Chicken sour crop

The crop is a small bag or pouch located just above the stomach of chickens. It is meant to store food temporarily before it goes down to the stomach. Sour crops in chicken develop when the crop empties slowly or entirely fails to empty. Food stuck in the crop usually starts to breakdown or ferment, … Read more

How To Wash Eggs

how to wash eggs

You might have at one time bought eggs from the nearest shop and found that others are soiled and even poop on the surfaces at large. You will wonder why the seller never washed them before selling them to you. However, cleaning eggs has been a heated debate for many groups of people at large. … Read more

Chicken Noise

Chicken Noise

Chickens have been domesticated since the past for eggs and meat production. However, recently, raising chickens has turned out as a key investment to several households. But then, do chickens communicate? Like any other animal or pet, chickens have their way of communicating. They make different sounds of passing a message to other flock members … Read more

Silkie Chicken – A Complete Step By Step Guide

Silkie Chicken

Silkie chicken refers to a small type of bird that usually weighs between 1.5 and 3.5 pounds. It is named for its furry or hair-like plumage that usually feels silky to the touch of silk. Silkies are unusual looking chicken due to their strange appearance, kindliness and mothering skills, which endear them to many pet … Read more

A Complete Guide of Brahma Chicken

Brahma Chicken

Brahma chicken, or King of all Poultry as it is commonly known, is known for its strength, vigor, and size. By 1901, the chicken was documented to have weighed 13 to 14 pounds for hens and a staggering 17 to 18 pounds for roosters. Around 1850, Brahma chicken and the Cochin breed fuelled the hen … Read more